mercoledì 7 maggio 2014

*Preview collezione Neve Cosmetics: Quetzalcoatl*

Ciao a tutte,
avete visto la nuova collezione in casa Neve?

Ve la presento in anteprima....

Quetzalcoatl è una collezione di makeup che guarda alle origini del tempo rivelando una bellezza fiera e selvaggia.
Pigmenti intensi e sfumature cangianti evocano i miti del Messico precolombiano.
All’ombra del leggendario serpente piumato Quetzalcoatl si alternano inesorabili cielo e terra, splendore e rapimento, natura e mistero.
La primavera/estate veste colori pieni e violenti, intrisi di magia atavica.
Quattro ombretti minerali, due blush minerali e due biomatite occhi compongono la collezione, sono adatti anche a vegetariani e vegani.
Le jar full size, dal coperchio turchese decorato color bronzo lucente, sono in limited edition.

Ombretto Desert - Marrone paprika caldo con riflessi dorati.

Ombretto Rituale - Ipnotico duochrome viola prugna dalla satinatura indaco.

Ombretto Peyote - Polvere di cristalli trasparenti con riflessi verde lime. Visionario.

Ombretto Quetzal - Duochrome verde piscina con satinatura azzurro pervinca.

Biomatita occhi Cielo/Turquoise -Turchese intenso vellutato.

Biomatita occhi Terra/Brown - Marrone caldo satinato.

Blush Flame Tree - Rosa corallo acceso con satinatura fucsia.

Blush Maya - Rosa pesca con satinatura rosa intenso.

Quetzalcoatl debutterà mercoledì 14 maggio su

Il lancio vedrà anche l'inaugurazione del nuovo packaging per i formato mini, dal design più grazioso e compatto.

Vi piace la nuova collezione? Quali prodotti avete intenzione di acquistare? Fatemelo sapere con un commentino! 


Visita per una recensione dettagliata del prodotto! 

Grafica seguita da Dario Sechi:

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Traduzioni seguite da Michele Casellato:

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giovedì 1 maggio 2014

Interview with Mia Cellini, aka "Gnappetta"

This is another interview of my project "Let’s get to know girl YouTubers", a journey in the Youtube world. Thanks to this project we can interview girls coming from there in order to get to know them better!

Our today’s guest is Mia, aka "Gnappettaaa", a very beautiful and nice girl. Her channel has more than 35.000 subscribers and over 4.000.000 visualizations, but let’s get to know her better....


Name: Mia
Sign of the Zodiac: Aries
City: Rome (Italy)
Nationality: Italian


Describe yourself in a few words.

Determined, moody and honest.

When did your passion for make-up start?

I’ve always had my make-up done since I was a child, but gradually: when I was a teenager, (14/15 years old) I would only have a thin layer of mascara and lipstick; then I began to wear very heavy make-ups. TO ME, MAKE-UP IS AN ART.

How did you come up with the idea to open a channel on YouTube?

By chance, I found a Sardinian girl YouTuber’s videos (I don’t remember her name); I found those videos fascinating, so I started to watch her videos every day until I decided to open my own channel.

Why did you call it like this?

Hehehe it’s an interesting question. Well, everything is linked to my height: now I’m 1.72 tall, but until the age of 16 I was 1.60 tall and I thought I’d always be like that. Since I was a child, my mom has called me “gnappetta” (slim and nice little girl). Now, even though I’m no longer a “gnappa”, she still calls me like that; my nickname has three “a” in the end, as “gnappetta” with only an “a” already existed!

Do you remember what your first video was?

My presentation video. 

What’s your favorite one?

Apart from my Italian mistakes, I prefer the one entitled "VI RACCONTO LA MIA STORIA" (“I’LL TELL YOU MY STORY”)

Apart from make-up, do you have any other passion?

No, I would say. It’s my only passion and I’m really happy I could make a job out of it.

In your opinion, who, among big names, has her make-up done best?
Kim Kardashian.

However, who, among big names, has her make-up done worst?

Lady Gaga.

What’s your attitude towards web criticisms?

I answer appropriately very often, but it all depends on my mood; sometimes I let it go: the best scorn is disdain. 

What product do you always have in your make-up set?

My lip neutralizer. I completely hate the natural color of lips, so I lighten them and I think it’s good to remark that bright colors make lips look bigger and pulpier.

My dear, our interview is over, but before finishing I’d like you to give a valuable advice on make-up for our readers.

A good base is the core pillar of a structure. Bye Mara and bye “Gnappe”…

I thank Mia for staying with us and dedicating us time to give us some piece of advice!

A big kiss

Graphics by Dario Sechi:

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Translation by Michele Casellato:

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